dearest reader,
I understand that some remain faithfull to reading my blog. Others, have mearly glanced through the lines that lead into my life. I tell only of events that trouble me, concern me or have caused me greif over the years. I am young. So very young. but I have been through much, I learned never to take anyhting for granted, becuase underneath everything is a valuable lesson.
Thought De Jour: if I have a mosquito bite, I Itch it.
A Taste of Fear: She walked down the hallway in her uniform. She was ready and She looked well brought up. He boots shined and the creases of her pants and shoulders were almost jagged. Her hair was Perfectly gelled back into a tight bun at the nape of her neak.she walked down the stairs to show grandmother. Her father was there. He was drunk. He cried when he saw her. so prefect he said. My perfect girl. Your Nammy would proud. she smiled and walked back up the stairs. She was getting an award tonight.she never had an award before. It was a big one. Simuntaniously a horn honked and her sister yelled. she couldnt be late. She told her sister she would do what she wanted when she got home. her father yelled, she had to leave, A horn honked again. She yelled again that she would do it when she got home. No that wasnt going to work. her father wass coming up the stairs.he wasnt proud anymore she was crying. She had to go. They were waiting for her, The door was open. Nextt hing she knowns shes falling. theres nothing for her to grab onto. Shes crying her sides hurt, hr head is spinning. Again, shes flying. no shes being pulled. Her head is hitting the stairs. She doesnt remember ever having so many stairs. She feels like shes sleewalking. She needs to wake up. Anytihing to get out of th is dream. She picks up a kife that was on the table, and begs her mother to Cut her with it. She has Mother pinned against the wall. She cuts her own arms open and falls to the ground.
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