Monday, March 15, 2010

another letter from Girl-X

dearest reader: Music; is a universal language; we all feel it; and understand it.

thought de jour: time is unreliable- you can put your hand into fire for 1 minuite and it will feel like an hour; but you can spend an hour with the person you love; and it feels like one minuite.

a taste of the pleasures of my mind-
humanities cry for help began with the first words ever utterd.
we want something or someone to save us.
we want to be protected. we want to be in a safe place. and we want to be loved.
even now these few years later, even now, knowing what I know, this is all I want.
and if you are like me, you have already realized these things are unacheivable.
you are born,
you suffer
you die.
but somewhere in all that you want something great to happen. you want something of significance, you want it all to mean something.

[the energy you have built up from waiting with awareness; will be nessasary for the difficulties ahead-I-ching]
my life has been ripped away from me. you asshole, you helped to do it; you, and all the people i thought were my friends.

when you belive you are beyond repair
Let go
when you cannot be saved by your friends
when you cannot be saved by yourself
I love you
and deliver what is left of you
to that place we have shared in our hearts
use whatever means to get close
but then
you must walk that final path
and if you cannot walk
then crawl
it is your only hope
the word sacred could scare you off
so be scilent
be there
and do not ask about why thing are
the way they are
just promise that we'll always share
the sweet geography of you
alive for all of time
beyond fear and change
a quite place
in the wilderness of my mind